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Genius and Oh So Simple ~ where to put your pins! My DIY pinbox.

February 6, 2012

Okay, okay, so strictly speaking, this isn’t my own pinbox as such, but it is a bit of a genius idea. I’ll have to thank my husband for some of it, as, having discovered sticky velcro from some of my DIY, he tried to suggest it as a solution to any DIY problem we were faced with (and we’ve faced a lot in the past few years!).

I was getting fed up of knocking over my pinbox, or not being able to find it when frantically unpinning while sewing with the sewing machine. I saw some lovely DIY pin cushions on pinterest which I think could be wonderful when I get round to it but at the time I didn’t have any elastic in the house, so asked my husband what I could do with the pinbox – and he suggested double sticky velcro. Plonked it on top of my beloved sewing machine, and, hey presto, I have a handy little place for my pins! It comes off if I need to use the second bobbin holder, or when I thread a bobbin and it works a treat.

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